Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My 40 day Sadahna Challenge

I’ve committed myself to a 40 day Sadahna Challenge having no idea what I was getting myself into. Why would I do that you wonder? Well for 2 main reasons:
1.    Yoga has been the repeated “sign” I have caught on to lately in my life and I believe it may be my path or a way to my path and
2.    The yoga classes were taking place at the Kava Bar, duh.
So here it is day 3 so far so great I feel slightly sore so I’m not in too much physical pain since its been a while since I move and a strong sense of being able to commit to the 40 straight days is keeping me excited. Iw ant to develop that discipline maybe even does more than 40 days, who knows?
40 days are a strong symbolic historical number if you think about stories from the Bible.
You’re here, in the in the loft of the kava bar listening to live a musician playing a sitar, flute and making other lovely sounds while you are centering yourself in your own practice sweating big time – its great!
Maybe this kava thing is now a cult thing with following this different style of yoga Avi, the kave bar owner, directs, hhhmmmm??
I like the challenge myself so that is appealing to me, I like to learn new forms of studies in ancient topics like yoga and touched by Avi’s “I teach what I know” philosophy, why not?
I see a bright enlightened guy with many gifts including a thriving unique wholesome business. Lots of good karma there or just hard work probably lots of both.
I like the blend of yogas incorporated and the mantras and the soft yoga of action practiced.
In any case when it’s time to turn your life a round just take a twirl and see where you land instinctively and where that may lead you to, and so on and so on and so the story goes on…..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Love to the Heavens,
Love to the Earth


If I could say that I was not at all freaked out this morning facing the final day then day when the show had to be up I’d be a liar. Do or die and guess who hadn’t done a test run through with the equipment? Guess who didn’t have any kind of help around?
Excited still needing things to get done but so happy and taking the day in stride at the Level 12A…


It’s taken this long to digest the experience of the show. On so many levels you are forced to deal with people’s opinions of your work, and rightfully so but still not everyone can be encouraging. However, and in gratitude for my experience the season professionals I did deal with had nothing but complimentary words of encouragement and education. Whom better to learn from than these masters?
Other people just want to play for your head I was just happy to play along...

 This was the “research” work I had gathered over the years which turned out to be the  example or storyboard of sorts .
In a a few days I edited the material down to 3:11 that I was satisfied with and  in time for the show. Unfortunately both are too large to post here so until I get some technical help I won't be able to share.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

As requested

Here is the gallery info for the opening on Saturday, please come!

ArtRouge Gallery

Saturday, May 8th
8:00 – 11:00 pm

46 Northwest 36th Street
Miami, FL 33127
(305) 448-2060

Saturday, May 1, 2010


It is amazing, it has all come together, honestly, I am so excited and feel so blessed for what has/is happened/happening now in my life. It really is a reality that I did create and this is all me.
I don’t mean to express that with any ego, on the contrary I say this from the most humble of places deep in my heart. I am so grateful and honestly in awe of what has just happened over the last couple of weeks and now we are just about ready to set up on Thursday.
Photos are printed
Video is edited needs to be looped onto DVD
Projector is ready
Things are set…

I asked and prayed for signs for the path to open up before me that the signs I would be shown given and exposed to would come to me.
And they did.
So many signs and I see them recognize them but honestly, I doubt if that’s really what I’m suppose to see. I hate doubt, no, I actively dislike doubt, a lot.
Pray for faith? Does that even make sense?
Move in faith. I can do that till doubt appears, why?
Almost automatically it appears I recognize that is it there but what if I don’t stare at it like a pimple on your face, you get over it.
What’s this back ache-ish weight on my upper back? Get off gorilla it will all work out, it has all worked out and it’s looking pretty cool…

“Come a long a ride on this fantastic voyage…”

Project: Ficus a short film
Artist statement
Shooting schedule
Permission to shoot on location
Get equipment: tripod
Video: @ Kampong & street
Display ideas
Print images

To do list:
Buy tarp grass projector tacks

Flat screen TV
Kava serving
Sod delivery/set up day of