It is amazing, it has all come together, honestly, I am so excited and feel so blessed for what has/is happened/happening now in my life. It really is a reality that I did create and this is all me.
I don’t mean to express that with any ego, on the contrary I say this from the most humble of places deep in my heart. I am so grateful and honestly in awe of what has just happened over the last couple of weeks and now we are just about ready to set up on Thursday.
Photos are printed
Video is edited needs to be looped onto DVD
Projector is ready
Things are set…
I asked and prayed for signs for the path to open up before me that the signs I would be shown given and exposed to would come to me.
And they did.
So many signs and I see them recognize them but honestly, I doubt if that’s really what I’m suppose to see. I hate doubt, no, I actively dislike doubt, a lot.
Pray for faith? Does that even make sense?
Move in faith. I can do that till doubt appears, why?
Almost automatically it appears I recognize that is it there but what if I don’t stare at it like a pimple on your face, you get over it.
What’s this back ache-ish weight on my upper back? Get off gorilla it will all work out, it has all worked out and it’s looking pretty cool…
“Come a long a ride on this fantastic voyage…”
Project: Ficus a short film
To do list:
Buy tarp grass projector tacks
Sod delivery/set up day of