Wednesday, March 16, 2011

“Get up!”

Stand up, get up, and stand up for your health.
The practice of yoga is special because the effect of your practice has measurable positive and visible effects on your body, mind, and life and in a very short time. Talk about instant gratification. After a few short weeks of doing plank and down dog positions my triceps were showing and my arms in general appeared to be toned. I was very happy since for me toned arms give the impression of being in shape much in the same way I believe a clean kitchen can give the impression of a clean house.

Each day on the mat, each day, not every day- yet, is a new fresh start. Some days are easier than others; some sides of my body move with ease while others are more difficult and it varies every time. Once I accepted this and came to terms with this practice becoming a routine, a way of life, things seems to fall into place, lets see: to be so accepting of ourselves, now take it beyond the mat.

"All yogis meet in tadasana (mountain pose/standing erect feet together arms by side)"

Tadasana is a very important pose, it is the base for all poses, aids in grounding and chakra cleansing 

In my class, I try to control the tone of my voice which so easily exposes my nervousness so we can all feel relaxed. It is my hope that my attempt for everyone to understand the purpose is in the attempt at a  pose, what ever the skill level, just standing on the mat and breathing is great and has its benefit! From just a physical perspective when we stand muscles and breathing and balance and concentration are all involved. The "other" benefits from our yoga practice are are longer lasting slowly discovered as you sweat and can appear in time spent in class or even after.

How nice of there could be no judgment, right? But I AM the first one to judge --> myself mainly (because i can be self centered like that) and as a new instructor I AM so grateful for my very generous client friends who brave to meet with me. Here's validation on some level they are getting it...

List of lessons:
Breathe – sounds simple? Helps you hold the pose, build strength and can calm a panic attack, Ujjai breathing is victorious breathing
Stand up straight – ground yourself even while on line at the supermarket, be present
Concentrate – on the pose or you can fall... how’s that for an allegory?
Laugh a lot – laughter heals, this time last year boy things were so not good.....
Smile and say little – words have power, can hurt and harm and eventually come back to the author

Two shots in my left and right trapezius muscles and one lower back epidural later (thanks to a car accident in June 2010) the medical diagnostic is all the same doctor by doctor.

“Continue to do yoga it is the best thing for your health it will build up the muscles which support your spine” - Dr. So and so and Dr. Pain Management and every massage therapist during  8 months of physical therapy treatments

So, I AM doing my part... there's 2 different yoga soundtracks yoga jam & smooth yoga jam playlists to teach with so let's get up, be grateful, breathe and move into healthy feelings yoga can give.

I heart Wednesday nights (insert you own soundtrack here)