Fossil check time or not, the fact of the matter remains “relationships” have become as cheap and easy to get as a cell phone. The speed and overall manner in which general relationships i.e. friends, lovers,… develop now a days can be correlated with the ever improving technological world we live in today, and more directly with cell phones. Some kind of theory huh? But hear me out.
Remember when you had the brick and cell phone minutes were so expensive? We didn't talk much via the cell then. Remember when you had to invest time in someone in order to get to know him or her, to see if you liked each other and you had to physically be together to do that? Think about when we had to remember someone’s phone number and waiting to go through all the digits on a rotary phone – ha! and if you were nervous and misdialed? Sigh, oh the effort just to ask, “Hello, is so-and-so home?” :- 0
Think about the all the number of ways we can connect with someone today how quickly and instantaneously we can click, to see if we “click.” Communication at the speed of light, relationships created simply by accepting a friend request on FaceBook, emails, IM’s, text and sext messages, web cam, Skype, IPhone -we are right there reaching out to another human being in the least of human ways, and then we wonder why the relationship didn’t work out. As an early adapter I’m all for technology but when it comes to relationships I’ve (had) to learned TIME is my friend. :- /
Sadly, one over-nighted stuffed animal is a HUGE effort these days. Yo! when was the last time you've seen a guy make a move to show his appreciation for a woman he likes or has been with? And buying drinks doesn't count!
You all know what I’m talking about boys, I’m not male bashing here at all, I love men, but I’m am sure even the nicest of the nicest of guys has been an asshole given the opportunity and its not all your fault because we women allow it. And if we don't we're considered a biatch. X- (
Why have we allowed ourselves to be courted by emoticons, LOL and smiley faces? Who knew a single parenthesis could make or break your day? It’s time to reach out with your HEART and TOUCH someone. The power of touch is just so important, the the exchange of energy shared at that moment, magical. Ask any lonely elderly person when was the last time they felt a warm hand on theirs and what it made them feel like. As a Reiki Master I know the importance of touch and the power it has to heal. One day walking through the Haight-Ashbury District in San Francisco a really smelly homeless man approached me and ask, “Can you spare a hug?” *-*
Thanks Diana for reminding us to…
Reach out and touch
Somebody’s hand
Make this world a better place
If you can
p.s. on the evening after writing this posting my beloved IPhone was misplaced, thank you to the universe for the sign and believe it or not I'm really LMAO about this whole story now!
p.s. on the evening after writing this posting my beloved IPhone was misplaced, thank you to the universe for the sign and believe it or not I'm really LMAO about this whole story now!